Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tangents Update

Break down dates for the Gannett artists are on June 15 or 16. ( See below post for Danforth Gallery).

For both spaces, please pull nails, screws, labels etc. out of the walls, and leave things in a good condition. For now, pedestals can be left at the venue that they are in. If someone can not make these breakdown dates, try to make arrangements with someone to get your work for you. Many thanks to all for such an excellent exhibit.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Danforth Artists

Dear Danforth Artists,
I wanted to know if it is possible to leave your work up through June 6 th. Please get back to me and confirm. I do not want a partial show up if this is not possible for anyone. If this works for everyone, break down would be the 7th and 8th.
Thanks ,

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

President's Reception

Please feel encouraged to attend the President's Reception @ 4:30 in the Danforth Gallery this Friday, May 13th. It would be very helpful to go if you can. Thanks.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Documentation & Final Critiques

The exhibits look super good everyone!!
I hope that you all have had a chance to see both shows and enjoy them. I hope that you have been able to photograph the works. You will be putting your images and your artist statement on a disc. One disc will be fully identified with your name, title of the work, medium, size, and year. The documentation is due at the final critique on this Friday May 13th.
For example:
1_S.Beatie_Magnificence of Water_Oil_30"x40"_11
2_S.Beatie_Magnificence of Water_Oil_30"x40"_11
3_S.Beatie_Magnificence of Water_Oil_30"x40"_11
The images should be about 4"x6" with a 300 DPI

If you have one work in the exhibit i.e. Christine, Jon, Rebecca and Tiffany, please include multiple views and details.
The other disc that you make should be unidentified by name,and instead you will key it with a number.
Your number is assigned alphabetically and is as follows:
1. Sevetalana 2. Laurie Brooks 3. Tiffany Chase 4. Piper Dean 5. Russ Gilchrist 6. Christine Godfrey 7. Ethan Gullemette 8. Rebecca Juarez 9. Jess Kelly 10. Ryan Kohler 11.Catherine McDade 12. Jon Moro 13.Emily Naples 14. Donna Parkinson 15.Ben Pettengil 16.Paul Philbrook 17.Tanya Russell 18.Lisa Wheeler 19. Barbra Whitten

We will meet this Friday May 13th at 12 noon at the Danforth Gallery to begin the Final Critiques. We will go to the Gannett Gallery second. ALL students need to be at BOTH critiques.

Curatorial Statement

19 Tangents

2011 University of Maine at Augusta Senior Art Exhibit

The culminating art created for the Art 430 Senior Project is as complex and as varied as the students who have created it. Their unique visions have been focusing throughout their careers at the University of Maine at Augusta, but most significantly in their final two capstone semesters. Foundations in such classes as design, art history, philosophy, English, and perhaps even math, have been built upon with individual insight, comment, or challenge.

The goal of this exhibit is to show the strongest, most resolved body of artwork that each student has created thus far. Each student also presents the conceptual basis for their work in an artist statement, and leaves documentation of their accomplishments.

These artists have asked important questions regarding the human social condition, our environment and of ourselves. Some have challenged our complacency; some have celebrated our strengths and the natural world. Others have presented insights regarding human range, intent and relationship. Each artist has answered in his or her particular voice, and has made space and time in their lives and hearts to sift, distil and clarify those things that they find most urgent and compelling. “I know no better communication than art. No better means of saying so precisely those things which need so urgently to be said. It has been a baton handed on to us across centuries and through difference. It is an act of courage.” Jeanette Winterson

Take your intellect, courage, discipline, patience and desire on your journey. You have everything you need.

Karen Adrienne

Professor of Art


Thursday, May 5, 2011

So close ...

The exhibitions are looking super!!

Some notes on the labels...
June said that she would have them done tomorrow (Friday the 6th). I would check in the early afternoon. They are on perforated sheets and should have your name, title, and medium. Ususally I hang them in a consistent place i.e. 42" from the floor, and on a consistent side of the work. Try to agree to what looks best for the majority of the pieces in the show and be as consistent as possible. The goal is to diminish the polka dot effect of labels scattered on the wall, and organize them so the audience knows where to look for/find the label. There is velcro in the drawer of the red tool chest in Danforth. Please use 2 small pieces about 1/4" on the top edge of the label to fix it to the wall.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Please fill out the contracts for the galleries to end June 6th for Danforth, and June 16 for Gannett.
There has been a request to leave the Danforth up through June 4th.
Sorry for the wrong dates posted this morning.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Notes to help finish up!!

Installation begins at both venues on May 2nd. You have until Thursday evening to finish!! This is a very exciting, satisfying and exhausting time for all of us. Enjoy and be kind to each other.

The Gannett group met yesterday and was able to work out their installation sequence and quite a few other things. Thanks to everyone their for "trouble shooting" and working so well together.
They have received the Gallery Contracts and the Insurance Forms. The remaining ones for the Danforth Group are in a manilla envelope posted next to my office door. Please take one and fill it out. We need to have all gallery contract and insurance forms completed, and into the Art Office by May 2 or no later than the 3rd. The Art Office will make labels from your completed forms. The labels will have your name, title of the work and medium. There will be a separate price list sheet in each gallery for inquiring art patrons.

I want to meet with the Danforth artists @ 11 in the gallery on Tues., May 3rd @ 11. Gannet Gallery artists are planning on having their own individual guest books on a pedestal near their work. They will also put their artist statement, (& business cards if they want) on the pedestal too. The artist statement, about 150 words, should be made with a Helvetica or other sans serif type if you don't have helvetica.

More things will probably come up. Keep checking for updates on this blog.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Important message for Tuesday the 26th and Thursday 28th

I think it would be helpful for the Gannet Gallery artist to meet this Tuesday, April 26th, to review the space and our options for installation. Please bring your work, or its dimensions, for better visual options and planning. I will be there @ 9:30, and hope that you will be too.
There is a post on my office door for the artist that are to meet with me on Thursday the 28th. If you have not already signed up for an appointment time, please do.

Also, thanks to everyone who contributed so thoughtfully to our critiques last week. I think that there were some very strong resolutions and recommendations presented. Keep working everyone!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Gannett Gallery Update

Much excitement, and many details and first time problems are connected with our exhibition at the new Gannett Building Gallery. I wanted to list a few of the things that are in progress so you can help me stay on task and also foresee things that I may have forgotten or overlooked.

1. Working with the President's office we have been verbally assured that we will have the gallery track lights installed.
2. Rob Marden is aware of our need for insurance, and is looking into the system policy.
3. Monitor coverage for the gallery is NOT worked out yet. Leo, who sits at the front desk is not responsible for the gallery and is part of Enrollment Services. I have talked with many people, and now it seems that Claudia Quintel and June MacLeod are trying to assist us. Some options and option combos are listed below:
a. June is trying to see if she can get some work study monitors for the Gannett Gallery. The time frame is uncertain and we think we will need additional assistance especially at end of May and June time frame.
b. Will the students that are showing there be willing to gallery sit for a day? We think that we will try for M-F, 11-6. Will other students in the class also help?
c. Will the Art Faculty be willing to gallery sit for a day?
d. Can we get any other volunteer help?
e. We think we can go ahead with the announcement card and press release with the above days and times.


A stellar group from our class did a wonderful job installing the Annual Juried Art Exhibit on Saturday. Thanks to Barbra, Ben, Paul, Rebekah, Russ, Lisa, and Svetlana. We also had help from Chum (who also did the much needed lunch and coffee run), and Rob Rainey. If I have forgotten to thank someone, it is from exhaustion not lack of appreciation.
I would like to discuss some of the day, and the many tasks that were accomplished, as well as the things that still need to happen. Some discussion of "on the spot problem-solving" would also be helpful. I hope that it will assist everyone as you prepare for your own installations.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

100% chance of snow

Dear Class,
I just got home from the adjudication of the annual juried exhibit and checked the weather forecast. It does not seem like we will be able to dodge or ignore the approaching storm. So we will postpone hanging the juried student show until Saturday beginning at 10. Thanks to everyone who has tried to rearranged work and family schedules. I do understand if you can not make it, but sincerely hope that some of you can.
Most of the non-selected works, except the large sculptures in the pit, are in the hallway outside of the gallery. First biz on Saturday will be to help move those, and clip tags. Then arrange and hang. Hope to see you then. With thanks.....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Highlights and date changes:
March 31 - No class. Please see the R. Crumb Exhibit @ Bowdoin on your own schedule. We will not go as a class. We will discuss the exhibit at our April 12 class meeting.
April 1 - Hang the Annual Juried Student Art Exhibit @ Danforth Gallery 10 a.m. 0n. If the big storm manifests as "Russ predicts" I will post cancellation on Thurs. eve or by 8:30 on Friday. Snow date to hang the show is on Saturday, April 2 @ 10a.m.
April 5 & 7 - no class. Work on mentor crits. Work. Work. Work.
April 12 - class meeting 9-12:30. Distribution of media packets, posters, cards, discuss Crumb exhibit. Floor plans and layouts for exhibition.

President Handley has requested that the Gannett exhibition hang through June 14th so it will be up for the BOT Retreat on the 14th.

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 29th Class

Welcome back from Spring Break! Please don't forget that we have a guest speaker Darrell Bulmer from the Maine Arts Commission coming to our class on Tues., March 29th. We will meet in the old architecture studio for this class.

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 8

Please remember that this class will begin at the Renaissance Gallery in Farmingdale @ 9 am. We will then go to see the Gannett Gallery in Augusta. We will then head back to the UMA Danforth Gallery and the campus classroom.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Something unexpected has come up and our guest artist Robert Shetterly has had to reschedule his visit. He will be coming to our class on Thursday, March 3. I think the best use of time for you right now is in the studio working on your projects. Your assignment.....work on your project!!
I am will be in my office to talk with anyone that wants to come by from 10-1.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Guest Artist

We will meet in what was the ARC studio 106 this Thursday, Feb. 10th for our time with guest artist Robert Shetterly. Peter St.Michel is able to help us with 3 folding tables 8' each and 21 chairs!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Late...please address asap

Ben and Jess please post a statement and images of work in progress.
Ryan, please post images of work in progress.
Svetlana your blog is not linked and does not open, so we don't know if you have posted a statement and images.


Dear Class,
I am sorry to have missed our class last Thursday. My car and I were hit enroute to UMA. My car was towed away, and I went to the ER to get checked out. I am feeling much better today, and am happy to say that I have only bruised and swollen legs, not broken ones, and the chest pains are from the seat belt restraint, not my heart.
Thanks for carrying on and getting the work that was outlined on the syllabus schedule done. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Advertising Groups and Responsibilities

Image/Card: Responsible for creating the image for the card and posters, developing the image with feedback from the class, coordinating the ecard with the Press Packet Group and making sure it's translated into sendable formats.
  • Lisa
  • Tiffany
  • Russ
  • Rebekah
  • Ethan
  • Emily
  • Catherine
Press Packet: Responsible for creating the press release, making sure that everyone has all press packet information, checking in with people to make sure information is getting out (coordinating distribution, i.e. making sure 10 copies don't go to one place/making sure people aren't left out).
  • Laurie
  • Jon
  • Christine
  • Jess
  • Piper
  • Barbra (& media research)
Media Research: Responsible for looking up all newspaper/web/magazine/etc. resources for getting the press release out to, also need to keep track of events calendars, time lines, contacting people, web addresses, telephone numbers, who/where/how/when and keeping all of this information together in a grid.
  • Svetlana
  • Ben
  • Paul
  • Donna
  • Ryan
  • Tanya
  • Barbra (& press packet)
Distribution: Everyone will be responsible for their own personal distribution of materials. This is an individual effort for you to get the information out there and publicize yourself.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Art 430 Faculty Critique Schedule

Faculty Critique Days

The full Faculty Critiques begin promptly @ 11 am. Some faculty will not be able to join the critique until 11:30 due to their teaching schedule. We however, will begin in order to accommodate the large number of artists in our class. Please be ready and work in tandem to get work hung or displayed for viewing. There will be 10 minutes of presentation and dialogue with 2 minutes between presentations. Please do all that you can to help keep us on schedule.

Feb. 1 First Faculty Critique: Svetlana, Laurie, Tiffany, Piper, Russ, Christine, Ethan, Rebekah, Jessica

Feb. 17 Second Faculty Critique: Ryan, Catherine, Jon, Emily, Donna, Ben, Paul, Tanya, Lisa, Barbra

March 15 Third Faculty Critique Svetlana, Laurie, Tiffany, Piper, Russ, Christine, Ethan, Rebekah, Jessica

March 17 Fourth Faculty Critique: Ryan, Catherine, Jon, Emily, Donna, Ben, Paul, Tanya, Lisa, Barbra.

Schedule and order of presentation for Tuesday, February 1st.

11- 11:10 Svetlana

11:12- 11:22 Russ

11:24 -11:34 Laurie

11-36- 11:46 Ethan

11:48 – 11:58 Tiffany

12:00– 12:10 Rebekah

12:12– 12:22 Jessica

12:24 – 12:34 Christine

12:34 – 12:44 Piper

Schedule and order of presentation for Thursday, February 17.

11- 11:10 Ryan

11:12- 11:22 Paul

11:24 -11:34 Catherine

11-36- 11:46 Jon

11:48 – 11:58 Emily

12:00– 12:10 Donna

12:12– 12:22 Tanya

12:24 – 12:34 Barbra

12:34 – 12:44 Ben

12:46 – 12:56 Lisa

Schedule and order of presentation for Tuesday, March 15.

11- 11:10 Piper

11:12- 11:22 Christine

11:24 -11:34 Jessica

11-36- 11:46 Rebekah

11:48 – 11:58 Tiffany

12:00– 12:10 Ethan

12:12– 12:22 Laurie

12:24 – 12:34 Russ

12:34 – 12:44 Svetlana

Schedule and order of presentation for Thursday, March 17.

11- 11:10 Lisa

11:12- 11:22 Ben

11:24 -11:34 Barbra

11-36- 11:46 Tanya

11:48 – 11:58 Donna

12:00– 12:10 Emily

12:12– 12:22 Jon

12:24 – 12:34 Catherine

12:34 – 12:44 Paul

12:46 – 12:56 Ryan

Revised Art 430 Schedule

Professor Karen Adrienne Art 430 Senior Project

University of Maine @ Augusta REVISED 621-3243 karena@maine.edu

Classes Begin

Monday January 10

MLK Holiday

Monday January 17

Winter Recess

Mon – Sun February 21 – February 27

Spring Recess

Mon – Sun March 21 – March 27

Final Exams

Mon – Sat May 2 – May 7

Classes End

Saturday May 7

Make-up Days

Mon – Tue May 9 & 10


Saturday May 14

Senior Exhibit

May 9-31, Opening Saturday, May 14th after graduation

"If we say that art, all art is no longer relevant to our lives, then we might at least risk the question 'What has happened to our lives?' The usual question, 'What has happened to art?' is too easy an escape route." Jeanette Winterson

Jan. 11 Meet, Syllabus, Text, groupings for initial presentations of work and statements, Blogs.

This is the blog URL: http://umaseniorproject.blogspot.com/

After you set up your blog send me an email with the blog address


The Practical Handbook for the Emerging Artist by Margaret R. Lazzari. Wadsworth, Boston, MA, 2010.


Understanding Comics the Invisible Art by Scott McCloud. Harper Perennial, New York 1994.

Preparation for first in class presentations:

a. Bring a recent series of work that you care about and are relevant to the work or direction that you think you will be pursuing for your senior project

b. Bring your typed artist statement for this body of work. This statement, approx. 150 words should clearly state your concept (what are the ideas critical/issues in your work), and what formal tools you are using support that concept. It will be turned in after your presentation.

Jan.13 Group A Class Critique: Svetlana, Laurie, Tiffany, Piper, Russ, Christine

After each 10 min presentation an individual in Group B will present the artist with 2 questions/comments that they have put into writing. One comment is directed to successful aspects of the work, and one-comment points to a trouble spot/area in the work or idea.

Group B Class Critiques: Ethan, Rebekah, Jessica, Catherine, Jon, Emily

After each 10 min presentation an individual in Group C will present the artist with 2 questions/comments that they have put into writing. One comment is directed to successful aspects of the work, and one comment points to a trouble spot/area in the work or idea.

Read: Chapter 1 & 2 The Artwork is Most Important pp.3-27

Professor Karen Adrienne Art 430 Senior Project

University of Maine @ Augusta 621-3243 karena@maine.edu

Jan. 18 Group C: Donna, Ben, Paul, Tanya, Lisa, Barbra

After each 10 min presentation an individual in Group A will present the artist with 2 questions/comments that they have put into writing. One comment is directed to successful aspects of the work, and one comment points to a trouble spot/area in the work or idea.

Share: Each person is to bring one question or comment from Ch 1& 2 Read: Part V Chapters 16 & 17, pp.289-312

Return: artists’ statements

Prepare questions for Ian about graduate school

Jan 20 Guest: Ian Blethen The Low Residency Graduate Experience

Each student needs to ask at least one questions of Ian about graduate school

Individual Mentor appointment. Fill out “Mentor Crit Report” to present for Jan. 24 class

Jan 24 Read Ch. 4 pp. 43-80. Share: Mentor Crit Reports. Each each person is to bring 3 art announcement cards to this class for discussion. Post your artist statement and at least 2 images of your work in progress. Comment on two the work of two of you classmates on their blogs.

Jan 26 Feed back on Ch. 4 reading. Discussion and planning for: New Releases, Media sources and contacts, Announcements, Web listings, mailing lists. Tasking out jobs. Brain storming announcement ideas. Individual help/prep for first Faculty critique. Schedule.

Feb. 1 First Faculty Critique: Svetlana, Laurie, Tiffany, Piper, Russ, Christine, Ethan, Rebekah, Jessica,

Feb. 3 Reflections on Faculty Crit. Work groups and assignments. Announcements, Press Release, Media Lists print, Media lists web.

Feb. 8 Present work in progress on various tasks. Present rewritten artist statements

Read: Go to: http://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/ get familiar with Robert Shetterly’s work and come prepared with questions and comments on his work, profession as a painter etc. Post at least 2 more images of your work in progress and comment on the work of three different classmates on their blogs.

Feb. 10 Guest: Robert Shetterly Professional Artist, painter of “Americans Who tell the Truth

Feb. 15 Individual help/prep for critique. This is an open class period for questions and help for the first faculty crit.

Feb. 17 Second Faculty Critique: Ryan, Catherine, Jon, Emily, Donna, Ben, Paul, Tanya, Lisa, Barbra

Feb. 22 Winter Break

Feb 24 Winter Break

March 1 Review for the creation of final art for Announcement card, Press releases etc.

March 3 Individual Mentor day. Fill out “Mentor Crit Report” to present for next class

Read Ch 12 & 13

March 8 Read Crit Reports. Discussion. Gallery walk and floor plans. Framing and other presentation and documentation considerations for artwork.

March 10 Final Announcement Card, Process presentation by designer group

Final Press Release, Process presentation by press group

Final media lists grid with contact information and point people for distribution

All individual mailing lists ready for Brenda Sage

Expectations for the Documentation of your work.

March 15 Third Faculty Critique Svetlana, Laurie, Tiffany, Piper, Russ, Christine, Ethan, Rebekah, Jessica,

March 17 Fourth Faculty Critique: Ryan, Catherine, Jon, Emily, Donna, Ben, Paul, Tanya, Lisa, Barbra. Post at least 2 more images of your work in progress and comment on the work of three different classmates on their blogs.

March 22 Spring Recess Art (card pick up & deliver to Brenda)

March 24 Spring Recess

March 29 Guest Darrell Bulmer Communication Associate from the Maine Arts Commission.

March 31 The Bible Illuminated:R. Crumb’s book of Genesis @ Bowdoin Benard & Barbra Osher Gallery, Meet @ 10 am

April 1 No class on April 5. All Students to help hang the Art Student Exhibit on Friday, April 1

April 5 No class – see above

April 7 Show preparations. Individual help day.

April 12 Individual Mentor day. Fill out “Mentor Crit Report” to present for April 19 class

April 14 Individual Mentor day. Fill out “Mentor Crit Report” to present for April 19 class

Post at least 2 more images of your work in progress and comment on the work of three different classmates on their blogs.

April 19 Bring “Crit Reports” and artwork: Svetlana, Laurie, Tiffany, Piper, Russ, Christine, Donna, Ben, Paul

April 21 Bring “Crit Reports” and artwork: Ethan, Rebekah, Jessica, Catherine, Jon, and Emily, Tanya, Lisa, Barbra, Ryan

April 26 No class, work on show preparations

April 28 No class, work on show preparations

May 2-May 6 Hang Exhibit in Danforth Gallery

May 13 Faculty Crit. In the gallery @ 12 noon. Documentation of images and your artist statement turned in today.

May 14 Graduation and opening reception

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Peter Precourt Exhibition Talk

Please remember that @12 noon Peter will be giving a talk in the Danforth Gallery about his work Katrina Chronicles: Volume I. Please be there!

Monday, January 17, 2011

This is a fire image of a straw goat sculpture that I created for the Capricorn Ball this past weekend. I thought that you might enjoy seeing it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Beginnings and Endings

Hi Seniors,
Welcome to Art 430 and the exciting culmination of your years of hard work earning your B.A. Degree in Studio Art. I look forward to working with all of you, and to our semester together. I hope that our "Blogs" can be a useful tool in keeping current with each other, sharing our ideas and your ever-evolving artwork.

This is a new device for me, and I am sure that there will be some bumps along the way. So, in the spirit of mutual support and learning, let us remember both patience and kindness throughout the semester. Let also remember to have fun, be daring, curious, and honest.

I Want to Write Something So Simply
I want to write something
so simply
about love
or about pain
that even
as you are reading
you feel it
and as you read
you keep feeling it
and though it be my story
it will be common,
though it be singular
it will be known to you
so that by the end
you will think--
no, you will realize--
that it was all the while
yourself arranging the words,
that it was all the time
words that you yourself,
out of your own heart
had been saying.
by Mary Oliver