Monday, May 9, 2011

Documentation & Final Critiques

The exhibits look super good everyone!!
I hope that you all have had a chance to see both shows and enjoy them. I hope that you have been able to photograph the works. You will be putting your images and your artist statement on a disc. One disc will be fully identified with your name, title of the work, medium, size, and year. The documentation is due at the final critique on this Friday May 13th.
For example:
1_S.Beatie_Magnificence of Water_Oil_30"x40"_11
2_S.Beatie_Magnificence of Water_Oil_30"x40"_11
3_S.Beatie_Magnificence of Water_Oil_30"x40"_11
The images should be about 4"x6" with a 300 DPI

If you have one work in the exhibit i.e. Christine, Jon, Rebecca and Tiffany, please include multiple views and details.
The other disc that you make should be unidentified by name,and instead you will key it with a number.
Your number is assigned alphabetically and is as follows:
1. Sevetalana 2. Laurie Brooks 3. Tiffany Chase 4. Piper Dean 5. Russ Gilchrist 6. Christine Godfrey 7. Ethan Gullemette 8. Rebecca Juarez 9. Jess Kelly 10. Ryan Kohler 11.Catherine McDade 12. Jon Moro 13.Emily Naples 14. Donna Parkinson 15.Ben Pettengil 16.Paul Philbrook 17.Tanya Russell 18.Lisa Wheeler 19. Barbra Whitten

We will meet this Friday May 13th at 12 noon at the Danforth Gallery to begin the Final Critiques. We will go to the Gannett Gallery second. ALL students need to be at BOTH critiques.

1 comment:

  1. KAREN, you never mentioned about when to pick up the art. Will the show be "showing" all day the 31st, or will it be the following day? Thanks, Em
